Thursday, February 13, 2014

The Long Short Answer

So, for the WDHA Billboard contest, they ask "What makes you rock and worthy to represent the rock of New Jersey?". The answer length limit is 300 characters, and you can check out my short answer by clicking on the link below (and then voting, pleeeease!!). But here was my original "long" answer (which is still kinda short lols): "I'm a NJ native ROCKER/Singer/Songwriter, who is a true #1 fan of WDHA. My music has been played on Homegrown Spotlight a couple times, and I came into the studio to perform and do an interview with Lindsay Klein. I am a hard working "Do It Yourself" musician, who has done absolutely every aspect of my music and promotion myself. "Self made". WDHA is amazing for many reasons, but one of the awesome things that sets it apart from most other stations, is that it focuses on the local New Jersey community. It gives the "little guy" a loud voice- whether it be a local animal shelter, a local restaurant, or a local unsigned band (like mine). Just the idea of being able to hear one of my songs on an incredible radio station I always listen to (WDHA) has been one of the biggest motivations for me to keep following my dreams. Thanks to WDHA, I've played a small part in keeping Rock alive. I know that my journey, my "road to rockdom", is a perfect reflection of all that WDHA stands for, and I'm proud to be a fan." PLEASE vote for me, it would mean SO much 


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