Tonight was $%#*@* awesome!!! Thank you to Drunk Uncle Bob for majorly rocking!!! And thanks again for having me sing with you! Also thank you so much to everyone that came out to support me tonight, it meant so so so so much to me, just to have you there!!! Pictures and goodies tomorrow. Sleep time now ;) Gnite NJ!! hehe
In just one week....THREE innnnnnncrrrrredible music videos have come out:
"Why Don't You Love Me" - Beyonce
"I Can't Be Tamed" - Miley Cyrus
"Not Myself Tonight" - Christina Aguilera
I remember when I was a pre-teen/teen how exciting it was to count down to when the next Britney, Christina, or N'Sync video would come out. I'd rush home from school so that I could catch it. The premiere of a music video was a huge event in itself, with countdowns leading up to the big reveal!
Over the years, (probably led by the temporary demise of Britney, as well as a lot of unoriginal copycatting, as well as universal budget cutting), music videos (as a whole) just haven't been as big of a deal, nor have they been that amazing.
I've missed that moment when the music video is over and I realize that I hadn't breathed the entire time I was watching.
Since Gaga came and shook things up, I feel like all the "divas" are quickly getting back on their creative game so that their music videos get just as much hype as her's and they aren't "outshown". And the three mentioned above have definitely beyond pulled it off.
It's hard to say which of the three is my favorite...I love the retro feel of Beyonce's, that's totally my decorating style...It's great to see Miley growing up into a really talented artist who can kind of fill the void that Britney left us (and that song is infffffectious!!)...And it's great to see Xtina back in full swing after taking some time off for her family (and I really don't think she is "ripping off" Gaga at all. How can she? She was here first by a long shot.)....
Ughhhhhh, WHERE IS TRL WHEN YOU NEED IT?!?!?!?! (And thank you Gaga.)
This Friday, please come out and support Madysin Hatter as she steps in to perform several songs with the amazingly awesome NJ cover band Drunk Uncle Bob.
The gig is at 10pm this Friday May 7th, at Thatcher McGhee's in Pompton Lakes, NJ.
So much funnnnn will be had by all. Hope to see you there!!!!